Voltage Controlled Oscillator - Jack Version

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There are two versions of the VCO. Both are identical oscillators. The difference between them is the panel output and switching configurations.

For both VCO versions: The Lin Kbd CV In jack allows for 1 volt/ octave control of the oscillator root frequency.

The exponential amplifier is incorporated into the VCO module.

The Exp Kbd Out jack allows for the exponential CV that controls the VCO to be "tapped" and used for a control voltage elsewhere in the system.

The Master Tune allows for approximately +/- 1 octave continuous adjustment of the oscillator root frequency.

The Fine Tune allows for approximately +/- 3 semi-tone adjustment of the oscillator root frequency.

Mod In jack provided for an oscillator modulation source CV input.

Mod Amount control for variable control of the modulation CV effect on the oscillator frequency.

Simultaneously available Triangle, Square and Sawtooth waveform outputs.

Master Octave switch transposes the oscillator up or down 1 octave.

The "V/O" trim is available for scaling adjustment from the front panel.

For the 'S' (switched) version: Square out has an independent switch that drops the square wave down -1 or -2 octaves from the triangle output frequency.

Sawtooth has an independent switch that raises the sawtooth frequency up 1 octave from the triangle output frequency.

The octave switches on the individual waveforms allow for up to a 4 octave spread of waveform outputs from a single oscillator. All in sync and in tune with each other.

For the 'J' (Jack) version:

All of the available waveforms are present at jacks. (Triangle, Saw 0, Saw +1, Square 0, Square -1 and Square -2.)